No one to save us but US.

High Vibe
4 min readNov 9, 2021


Humans are free but we don’t live freely. We know we are in perpetual bondage and we are waiting for our galactic brethren to save us. But they absolutely won’t. You know why? Read on.

Yes, they are there orbiting around our planet, watching us, learning about us, knowing how we suffer. But they won’t “rescue” us from the controllers like many “channelers” and new agers are saying because we will then treat them as gods if they do and they don’t ever want that. This happened before when they spoke with contactees and was misinterpreted. They are not angels, not the savior we are longing for. They are like us and they know who we truly are and they want us to realize that on our own but with guidance from them. If they do come down to rescue us we will then perpetuate our dependency on others for our own freedom and salvation which is what we do right now with religions and governments telling us what to do. And this is what the controllers of the matrix want, our dependency on those who we think will “free” us so we can be complacent and be easily manipulated. But in truth, we are our hope.

Our galactic family wants us to realize our own power, using our own eternal spirit and consciousness. Once we realize who we truly are, once we wake up to the truth that we live in a controlled matrix then the faster we evolve and raise our frequencies, the faster we become like them. Don’t be deceived by those who say to just sit back and wait for them to free us. We must free ourselves first — in our mindset, in our belief systems placed by the cabal, in our ability to think and in the way we vibrate. We need to free ourselves from all the dogma and superstitions, beliefs and narratives they manipulated us to think and believe. We need to let go of religion and build a spiritual connection instead with the true God/Source like what our galactic brethren do. We need to rise above all the fear propaganda and focus our energies in building a better society and waking up to our own individual power. We need to re-member and re-emerge as powerful human beings, we need to become united instead of divided in order to fight the controllers who have enslaved us for thousand years. They have taken hold of our minds and hijacked us! It’s time to re-gain what we have lost.

After all, our galactic family are also human beings albeit living in the 5th density but they also have an army of their own to protect and fight for them. So we need to create our own warriors as well. We need us to save us, no one else. Because of the distortions and manipulations we have become jaded and divided, fighting against each other instead of focusing our energy on the effort of releasing us from enslavement. We need to re-build our system, create new paradigms, one that is for the good of all. We need to create a better society, a better world. The past year and a half has shown us that we are under attack and our liberties are being seriously threatened. Unless we become united at all fronts, everything will remain the same.

You see, there’s no real divine cosmic intervention unless we ALL wake up to our own true potential, also, the planetary ascension process won’t happen unless we all wake up together. For now, let’s vibe high spiritual warriors. Let them know we are ready so they can guide us. This is what true freedom is — liberate your minds!

Do not get distracted with promises of help coming from outside, promises of help coming from those who govern you. You, the people, are THE POWER, THE WEAPON and the SOLUTION. WE are IT. We are the ones they suppress, and we are the ones they know they can suppress no more once we KNOW who they are, what they do, and who it is WE ARE. They use us, abuse us, mistreat us, deceive us, and we have had it!

Stand firm in your convictions, firm in your center, firm in what you KNOW is the truth. Do not sway! Know that you are not alone, we are legions, and together we form a collective, a single entity. WE are the only weapon we can use, and the only weapon they fear. Join forces, support and inspire one another, and march on unmovable, against all odds. KNOW that you COUNT, that YOU matter, your voice and actions. Because of who you are and what you stand for. You are important. You are essential.

So wipe your tears and fears, and know that you will be ok. That as long as your essence, your consciousness, is alive, and it will ALWAYS be, there is nothing no one can do to destroy you. You are immortal, and you are FEARED. You are the one they fear the most, your creative essence, your questioning spirit, your unwaning drive to know the truth and be AWAKE. — Yaszhi Swaruu, Taygetan

Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash



High Vibe
High Vibe

Written by High Vibe

I believe I am a multidimensional being, trying to make sense of this strange, dense, 3D world. A multipotentialite. Truth seeker. I question everything.

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