As a life coach, these are the 2 things I teach to my clients and students to raise their vibration.
No matter where you are right now, no matter what you are doing or being, have gratitude. Just breathe in and say thank you 3 times. Your brain will automatically search for things you are grateful for. Our subconscious mind operates at default 90% of the time. The subconscious part of our mind is the controller of our breathing, heart rate, our movement, our balance, blood supply to vital organs and just about everything else that is vital for keeping us alive. But it is programmable with habits.
So if we deliberately say thank you no matter how you feel at all times, you’ll reprogram your subconscious to think that all your emotions correspond to gratitude and gratitude amounts to feeling better. So, say thank you and feel better. Remember in the Law of Attraction, whatever you create, you attract more of. Whatever you focus on expands. So first thing we need to consciously do is practice gratitude. Then everything falls into place.
2. Focus on the fun and get yourself distracted.
Aside from being a life coach and a business person, I’m also an artist. I love to create. But there are moments when I find it hard to paint because the feeling of being not good enough arises. We call this the ‘impostor syndrome’. It’s like feeling fake, like I’m just pretending to be an artist. And it’s not a good place to be.
I don’t really like that phrase “fake it til you make it”. I would rather, from the point of attraction, say “feel it til I achieve it”. Fake is a negative word and if we wish to feel better, we must use positive words and phrases. That is why we use affirmation to form better habits. Remember words are powerful and we program our minds with the words we constantly use.
Feel it until you achieve it.
Hw do you feel it? From your thoughts. When you think of something, you immediately get a feeling about it. So, choose your thoughts well.
Now going back to my painting, instead of getting frustrated because I can’t finish the painting, I go away from the creative process for a while and do something else. Distraction is a powerful tool to rebalance and refocus. It’s like when a child is having a tantrum or crying, we distract the child by giving toys or food, right? It is also the same for adults. I distract myself so the feeling would dissipate. But I would definitely acknowledge the feeling, I won’t deny I was feeling frustrated. The second you honor your true feelings, you experience relief and can move into a new vibrational stance. If you are feeling down, distract yourself. Hum a few notes or sing a few lines. Eat some comfort food or just do some stretching. Will yourself to have fun. Will yourself to smile, to laugh, to feel good. One of the fastest way to go up the emotional scale and vibe high is to feel good.
After distracting myself for a while I go back to number 1 and practice gratitude again and appreciate the wisdom from feeling frustrated.
For some people being self-aware is a ton of work, but when you make it a habit it flows naturally. Remember, our subconscious minds are formed though habits. Whatever you feed the subconscious it remembers when it is done habitually.
Feelings are energies. Each feeling/energy vibrate in a certain frequency. You cannot manifest from the low point of attraction. You must aim high, so feel good no matter what. It takes conscious deliberate decisions, the key is to become self-aware.