90% of hospital stay is waiting.
Waiting for the doctors to arrive.
Waiting for the nurses to check your signs.
Waiting for the meds to kick in.
Waiting for the IV to finish dripping.
Waiting for the lab results to complete.
Waiting for the pain to subside.
Waiting for the tears to dry.
Waiting for the prayers to be heard.
Waiting for the miracles to happen.
Waiting for the sun to set in.
Waiting for another day of good news.
Waiting, waiting… waiting…
Dripping… dripping… dripping…
Crying… crying… more crying…
Praying… praying… Lots of praying.
hoping… hoping… hoping…
Waiting… waiting… endless waiting…
Just breathe.
In the meantime, pills are swallowed, injections are bravely taken, pain slowly ebbing, fears are set aside, hoping for some win.
Then, don’t forget, mask up! Shield up! Sanitize…
Bills are piling up, up, up and up, relentless, sky-rocketing. Body getting jabbed, poked, examined.
Inhale, exhale.
Spirit ebbs and flows throughout the constant clashes between hopelessness, fear, worry, doubt and hope again…
Finally, after 8 grueling, pain-filled, blood-filled, emotionally, physically, financially draining, rollercoaster days, I’m home. Extremely exhausted, drugged, weak…
The battle is not yet won. The body needs to heal IF it can heal. The physical assault was frightening with no end in sight for the same illness is still there in the shadows, lurking, observing, defending. Surgery is still an option but this old body can only take so much.
Now, with the extended time granted, I am hoping, healing, sleeping, recuperating, breathing.
Thank you to all who prayed, sent words of encouragement, helped in cash and kind, selfless blood donors. I owe you all this 3rd chance. May God bring you all the blessings you need and hope for. In exchange for those energies given, I am sending out to the universe my cry that YOU and your kind be wholely, completely healed, helped and blessed too, in whatever way you wished to be healed, helped and blessed for.
Remember to — Just breathe.